For All Human Beings.......

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Functioning of CPU

The CPU is composed of five basic components:
  • RAM
  • registers
  • buses
  • ALU and
  • Control Unit.
CLICK HERE for detailed notes

CLICK HERE to view ANIMATED Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Computer Crossword(1)


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

Test Yourself

Can you answer following Questions.............

  • C++ Character Set
  • What is meant by token?
  • Name Tokens available in c++
  • What are Keywords? Can keywords be used as identifiers?
  • What is an identifier? What are the identifier forming rules in C++?
  • Is C++ case sensitive?
  • Which of the following are valid Identifiers and why/why not :
  1. stud_roll
  2. 5data
  3. data5
  4. father name
  5. my-file
  6. %age
  7. int
  8. b
  9. goto
  10. "name"
  • What are literals? How many types of integer literals are available in C++?
  • What is preprocessor directive?
  • What header file must be included with your source file to use cin and cout
  • Name the I/O Library of C++.

C++: Data Type Modifiers

C++: Data Type Modifiers

C++ :Fundamental Data Types

C++ : Fundamental Data Types

Assignment : Computer Organization (Class XI)

Monday, May 18, 2009

List of Students With Approved Projects

Name of students and Approved Projects

  1. Nikita Goel - SUDOKU (12 A)
  2. Tanvi Kaushik - SUDOKU (12 A)
  3. Gunjan kapoor - MUSIC LIBRARY Mgt. Sys.(12 A)
  4. Shivani saxena - MUSIC LIBRARY Mgt. Sys.(12 A)
  5. Sumedha Kapoor - Book Library Mgt. Sys.(12 A)
  6. Nishant Aggarwal - Book Library Mgt. Sys.(12 A)
  7. Divya Upreti - Result Processing Sys. (12 A)
  8. Niharika Makhija- Result Processing Sys. (12 A)
  9. vibhati - tutorial career options (12 A)
  10. Astha - tutorial career options (12 A)
  11. Shivani - guest house/hotel management (12 A)
  12. Shruti - guest house/hotel management (12 A)

For Project approval and project outline contact through mail.....

Computer Science (083) HW


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

File Handling In C++

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009