For All Human Beings.......

Monday, December 24, 2007

An Inspiring Story for all the students.........

  • This simple story illustrates profound meaning in life.
  • It teaches us to see life situation in different perspectives, angles.
  • It motivates and inspires us to be a better person ourselves. :)


Tuesday, December 18, 2007


  1. Take the above Question paper just as a guideline for your Board Pr Exam.
  2. The Programming questions can be from any topic in your syllabus( Check the CBSE Syllabus given in previous post as it is taken straight from CBSE site
  3. Students are supposed to submit program SOURCE CODE and OUTPUT Printouts

Computer Science (Code 083) (Practicals)

Computer Science (Code 083)
Class XII (Practicals)

Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 30
(As per CBSE Syllabus)

1. Programming in C++ (10 Marks)
One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested in
Computer during the examination. Marks are allotted on the
basis of following:
Output presentation
Notes: The types of problems to be given will be of application type from
the following topics
Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional)
Array of structure
Stack using arrays and linked implementation
Queue using arrays (circular) and linked implementation
Binary File operations (Creation, Displaying, Searching and modification)
Text File operations (Creation, Displaying and modification)

2. SQL Commands (05 Marks)
Five Query questions based on a particular Table/Relation to be tested
practically on
Computer during the examination. The command along
with the result must be written
in the answer sheet.

3. Project Work (05 Marks)
The project has to be developed in C++ language with Object Oriented
Technology and also should have use of Data files.
Presentation on the computer
Project report (Listing, Sample, Outputs, Documentation
4. Practical File (05 Marks)
Must have minimum 20 programs from the following topics
5. Viva (05 Marks)
Based on C++ ,Project, SQL

Friday, December 14, 2007

Computer Science Project Report (C++)

The Computer Science (C++) Project Report must contain following and in the same order as mentioned below :

  • Certificate
  • Acknowledgment
  • Overview of C++
  • Need for the Project/Synopses/Summary
  • Requirements(hardware & Software) along with instructions regarding how to install the project and use it are to be given. It should be a sort of USER MANUAL
  • Header Files (used in the Project along with the functions each file is supporting in the project.)
  • Classes & Objects( Description of user defined classes and their purpose)
  • Functions ( Description of user defined functions and their purpose)
  • Source Code(listing of all the programs prepared as part of project. )
  • Output (Dumps of all the output screens)
  • Shortcomings
  • Bibliography
Note :

  1. Index to be placed after Acknowledgment in the report but NOT to be mentioned in the index.
  2. Running project Source Code to be submitted in a CD along with relevant data files
  3. Project CD should be properly LABELED with
        1. Class : XII
        2. Section : A/B/E
        3. Year : 2007-08
        4. Class Roll No. :
        5. BOARD ROLL No. ( To be mentioned later)
        6. Project TITLE : Tutorial - Water Cycle (Example)
        7. Main Program name : (.CPP File name)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mindmap : K-Map method of Minimization of Boolean Exp

I am uploading the mind map which will help th students in revising the K-Map method of Minimizing the boolean Expressions.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

ASSIGNMENT (Boolean Algebra)


Design NAND-to-NAND circuit for the following expressions


XYZ’ + X’Y’Z


A’B.(A’B’C’ + B’C)


A’B’C’ + A’B’C + A’BC + ABC’ + ABC


(X + Y’).Z


Y’ Z + Z X’


(A+B) (B+D)


3 input AND gate


3 input OR gate


Design NOR-to-NOR circuit for the following expressions


X(Y’ + Z’) + XY’


A’B.(A’B’C’ + B’C)


X.Y’ + Z


(X + Y) (Y + Z) (X+Z)


F(A,B,C) = (A+B’) (B+C)


F(X,Y,Z) = (X’+Y) (Y’+Z)


(A’+B’+C’) (A+B’+C’) (A+B+C’)


Obtain a simplified form of a Boolean Expression using Karnaugh Map












F(W,X,Y,Z)=S(2,3,6,10,11,14) Find expression in POS form


F(X,Y,Z)=S (3,4,5,6,7)







Draw circuit diagrams for the simplified Boolean Expression

Q4. Find the minimal SOP expressions for F1 and F2 using K-Map for the given truth table for a function F(X,Y,Z),

X Y Z F1 F2

0 0 0 0 1

0 0 1 1 0

0 1 0 0 0

0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 1

1 0 1 1 0

1 1 0 0 1

1 1 1 1 1

Q5. A combination circuit has 4 inputs and single output. Output is 1 if

  1. All inputs are 1
  2. Even number of inputs are 1
  3. All inputs are 0
  4. Make the truth table
· Write Canonical SOP and POS forms of expressions
Simplify using K-Map (Both SOP and POS expressions)
·Draw logic circuit diagram for simplified expression

Q6. A truth table having 4 input variables ( A, B, C, D) has an output 1 when ABCD=0001 ABCD=0110 ABCD=1110
Express in SOP and POS

Q7. Evaluate logic circuit diagram

For i) a=1, b=1, c=0
ii) a=0, b=0, c=0
iii) a=1, b=1, c=1

Q8. Evaluate Boolean expression
(w.x.y’ + (x’. y)’) for w=1, x=1, y=0, z=1

Q9. Simplify using algebric method

  1. AC+A’BC
  2. XZ’ + X’Y’Z + X’YZ’ + Y’Z
  3. (A+B)(A+B’)
  4. abc+a’bc+ab’c+abc’+ab’c’+a’bc’a’b’c’
  5. AB+AB’+A’C+(AC)’
  6. XY ( X’YZ’+XY’Z’)

Q10. Verify the following :

  1. A + A’B = A+B
  2. (A+B)’ . (A’ + B’) = 0
  3. AB + AB’ = A
  4. X’Y+Z = (X’+Y’+Z).(X’+Y+ Z).(X+Y+Z)
  5. (X+Y)(X+Z) = X+YZ
  6. x’y’z’+x’y’z+x’yz+x’yz’+xy’z’+xy’z = x’+y’
  7. a.(a+b)=a
  8. (a’+b’).(a’+b).(a+b’) = a’b’

Q11. Write dual of following:

1. (x+y’) 3. a+1.bc
2. xy+xy’+x’y 4. a.a’=0

Q12. Write complement of following:

1. x’yz’ + x’y’z 3. xy(y+z)
2. ab’ +c’d’ 4. x(y’z+yz)

Q13. State and verify Absorption Law using truth table.

Q14. State and verify Involution Law using truth table.

Q15. State and verify Idempotent Law using truth table.

Q16. State and verify Distributive Law using truth table.

Q17. State and verify DeMorgan’s Law using truth table.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Karnaugh Map Minimizer (Free Download)

Karnaugh Map Minimizer is free (GPL) software for minimizing boolean functions using the graphic method of Karnaugh maps. I am giving its link for downlods for educational purposes so double check the output if you intend to use it for any "real" work. I hope it helps you with the topic….

For K-Map Minimizer Download /

Minimization of Boolean Expresssions using Karnaugh Maps

I am uploading a presentation which will help you in going through the topic and revising it as well.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Boolean Algebra (Basic Concepts)

Dear Students
  • I have created another Mind Map On Boolean Algebra (Basic Concepts) as I am finding this tool very interesting, easy to work with and very useful in developing the topic. This tool is allowing me to discuss all the relevant points in depth and still maintaining the connectivity with the main topic. I would like to know your views about this tool.

SQL(Structured Query Language)

  • I have created Mind Map on the topic 'SQL' Using Open Source Software FreeMind. I think my students will find it beneficial while preparing and revising this topic.
  • To access the Mind Map Click Here.......

Monday, November 26, 2007

Database Concepts : Mind Map

FreeMind Mind Map
  • I have created this Mind Map to facilitate Organized learning and revision of the topic-'Database Concepts'.
  • I have published my work for sharing on
  • The URL for this particular Mind Map is:

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Database Concepts

Following concepts are covered in the following presentation:
  • Concept of Domain
  • Tuple
  • Relation
  • Primary Key, Alternate Key, Candidate key
Relational Algebra
  • Selection
  • Projection
  • Union
  • Cartesian Product

Answers : MCQ-12/02

The OMR answer sheet with correct answers marked is as follows:

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Attempt this MCQ. I will post its answers after 2 days

Kulachi Hansraj Model School

Multiple Choice Questioner

(General Concepts, Header Files, File Handling)

Class XII

Time : 15 min. M.Marks : 30

1. When working with character arrays, always reserve enough array elements to hold the string AND its null-terminating character (\0).

[a] True [b] False

2. In C++, 14 % 4 =

[a] 1 [b] 2 [c] 3 [d] 4

3. Variables that are declared, but not initialized, contain
[a] blank spaces
[b] zeros [c] "garbage" values [d] nothing - they are empty

4. Array indexing always starts with the number
[a] 0 [b] 1 [c] 2 [d] \0

5. A character variable may contain up to seven letters.

[a] True [b] False

6. All strings end with a null zero in memory.

[a] True [b] False

7. The name of a variable is known as its

[a] identifier [b] constant

[c] data type [d] base

8. In C++, the % refers to

[a] percentages [b] modulus operator

[c] division [d] data storage

9. A variable is given a value through

[a] osmosis [b] the cout statement

[c] the header file [d] an assignment statement

10. Variable names may begin with a number.

[a] True [b] False

11. When a data type must contain decimal numbers, assign the type

[a] int [b] char [c] double [d] long int

12. Mathematicians and computers interpret the equal sign (=) in the same way.

[a] True [b] False

13. setprecision requires the header file

[a] stdlib.h [b] iomanip.h [c] console.h [d] conio.h

14. The following statement is valid. double price = 7,450.98;

[a] True [b] False

15. All variables must be declared before they can be used.

[a] True [b] False

16. Character literals always have a length of one.

[a] True [b] False

17. If char catname[15]; , which of the following is valid?

[a] catname[15] = "Millie"; [b] catname = "Millie";

[c] catname[ ] = "Millie"; [d] none are valid

18. Which type of data file is analogous to an audio cassette tape?

[a] random access file [b] sequential access file

[c] binary file [d] source code file

19. Which of the following header files is required for creating and reading data files?

[a] ofstream.h [b] fstream.h

[c] ifstream.h [d] console.h

20. If you create a file with the same name as an existing file, you will be prompted to rename your new file.

[a] True [b] False

21. In the code"scores.dat", ios::out);

[a] ios::out is the stream operation mode.

[b] fout is the header file reference.

[c] ios::out is the stream variable name..

[d] fout is the name of the file.

22. A text editor can be used to view, or create, a file.

[a] True [b] False

23. What header file contains C++ file I/O instructions?
[a] iostream.h [b] fstream.h

[c] infstream.h [d] outstream.h

24. ifstream fin; would be used when

[a] creating a file [b] reading a file

[c] appending a file [d] removing a file

25. eof( ) is the function used for

[a] asserting no errors in a file [b] appending data to a file

[c] counting the amount of data in a file [d] checking for end of file

26. If a file you are opening for appending does not exist, the operating system will detect the missing file and terminate the operation.

[a] True [b] False

27. It is possible to open several files for access at the same time.

[a] True [b] False

28. Which of the following is not a valid ofstream argument?
[a] ios::app [b] ios::trunc
[c] ios::noreplace [d] ios::create

29. What does ios::ate mean as an argument to ofstream?
[a] Open file, but do not create. [b]Open file, create.
[c] Open file for read access only.[d]Open file, set the position to the end.

30. How would you output to an open file named a_file?
[a] a_file.out("Output"); [b] a_file="Output";
[c] a_file<<"Output"; [d]a_file.printf("Output");

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Linked Queue : C++ Code

Struct NODE
int Data;
NODE *Next;

class Queue
NODE *Rear,*Front;

Void Qinsert();
Void Qdelete();
Void Qdisplay();


void Queue::Qinsert()
NODE *Temp;
Temp=new NODE;
If (Rear==NULL)


void Queue::Qdelete()
if (Front!=NULL)
NODE *Temp=Front;
Delete Temp;
If (Front==NULL) Rear=NULL;
cout<<”Queue Empty..”;


void Queue::Qdisplay()
NODE *Temp=Front;


void Queue::~Queue()//Destructer Function
while (Front!=NULL)
NODE *Temp=Front;
delete Temp;


void main()
Queue QU; char Ch;
{ … // Complete the main function

}while (Ch!=’Q’);


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Linked Stack : c++ code

struct NODE
int Data;
NODE *link;


class LStack
NODE *Top;

void Push();
void Pop();
void show_stack();

void LStack::Push()
NODE * ptr;
ptr=new NODE;

void LStack::Pop()
if (Top!=NULL)
NODE *Temp=Top;
delete Temp;
cout<<”Stack Empty..”;


void LStack::show_stack()
NODE *Temp=Top;

void LStack::~LStack() //Destructer Function
while (Top!=NULL)
NODE *Temp=Top;
delete Temp;

void main()
Stack ST; char Ch;
switch (Ch)
case ’P’:ST.Push();break;
case ’O’:ST.Pop();break;
case ’D’:ST.
while (Ch!=’Q’);

} // Destructor function will be called

// automatically when the scope of the

// object gets over