For All Human Beings.......

Monday, November 26, 2007

Database Concepts : Mind Map

FreeMind Mind Map
  • I have created this Mind Map to facilitate Organized learning and revision of the topic-'Database Concepts'.
  • I have published my work for sharing on
  • The URL for this particular Mind Map is:

1 comment:

sumedha said...

answer to question 2
create table movie
(num number,
title varchar2[50],
ty varchar2[10],
rating varchar2[20],
stars varchar2[20],
qty number,
price number[4,2],
insert into movie
values(1, 'oso','comedy/drama','G',
a. select ty
from movie
where 'ty=comedy'
orderby ty asc;
b. select title
from movie
where price>30 and price<=06;
c. select ty
from movie;
d. select title,qty
from movie
where title like 't%';
e. 1) 50
2) drama
3) 1
4) gone with the wind
friday the 13th
independence day
risky business
101 dalmatians
f)select title,price
from movie;
g)select ty
from movie
where ty like ty='horror'and
orderby title desc;