Computer Science (Code 083)
Class XII (Practicals)
Class XII (Practicals)
Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 30
(As per CBSE Syllabus)
1. Programming in C++ (10 Marks)(As per CBSE Syllabus)
One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested in
Computer during the examination. Marks are allotted on the
basis of following:
Logic Computer during the examination. Marks are allotted on the
basis of following:
Output presentation
Notes: The types of problems to be given will be of application type from
the following topics
• Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional)the following topics
• Array of structure
• Stack using arrays and linked implementation
• Queue using arrays (circular) and linked implementation
• Binary File operations (Creation, Displaying, Searching and modification)
• Text File operations (Creation, Displaying and modification)
2. SQL Commands (05 Marks)
Five Query questions based on a particular Table/Relation to be tested
practically on Computer during the examination. The command along
with the result must be written in the answer sheet.
3. Project Work (05 Marks)
The project has to be developed in C++ language with Object Oriented
Technology and also should have use of Data files.
• Presentation on the computer
• Project report (Listing, Sample, Outputs, Documentation
• Viva
4. Practical File (05 Marks)
Must have minimum 20 programs from the following topics
5. Viva (05 Marks)
Based on C++ ,Project, SQL
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